;USA-New Hampshire NH ;State of New Hampshire ;capital: Concord ;Time zone: Eastern: UTC-5/-4 ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_US-New_Hampshire.gif COMMENT=Updated July 3, 2012 TYP=Holy 19.1. =Civil Rights Day ;Note=? observed 3rd Monday January ? 01.11.%1980,2+1Mo+1Tu =Election Day (Federal, even years) ;Note=Tuesday after the 1st Monday November, all Representatives & 1/3 of the Senate {m} TYP=Normal ;yearly days - observances 05.1. =State Constitution Day* 01.3.+2Tu =Traditional town meetings/Open Meetings* ;Note=2nd Tuesday March {m} 01.4.+4Mo =Fast Day (since 1679, #1679 years ago)* ;Note=4th Monday April {m} 30.4.-1Sa =Wild New Hampshire Day* ;Note=last Saturday April {m} 30.4.-1Fr =New Hampshire Arbor Day* ;Note=last Friday April {m} 01.5.+1Tu =Teacher Appreciation Day* ;Note=1st Tuesday May 20.5. =Lafayette Day* 21.6. =New Hampshire Ratification Day, proclaimed Flag Flying Day ;Note=1788 {d} 17.9. =Federal Constitution Day* 07.12. =New Hampshire Pearl Harbor Day* ;(remembrance) dates by year ;British Thirteen North American colonies, New England Colonies, Province of New Hampshire, later New Hampshire 10.4. =charters for future New England issued #1606 years ago* ;Note=1606, King James I, modern states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont & Massachusetts {d} 03.11. =Plymouth (UK), Council New England incorp. #1620 years ago* ;Note=1620, Royal charter, name New England off. sanctioned, modern states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont & Massachusetts {d} 10.8. =1st patent granted establ. Province of Maine #1622 years ago* ;Note=1622, present-day U.S. states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont & the Canadian province of Quebec {d} 19.5. =Boston, United Colonies of New England formed #1643 years ago* ;Note=1643, >1684, British colonies of Massachusetts (including New Hampshire & Maine), Plymouth, Connecticut & New Haven {d} 24.7. =decree New Hampshire >colony British crown #1679 years ago* ;Note=1679, separated from the jurisdiction of Massachusetts {d} 03.6. =decree est. Dominion of New England #1686 years ago* ;Note=1686, King James II of England, Colony Massachusetts Bay, Colony New Plymouth, Province New Hampshire, Province Maine & Narraganset Country or King's Province, >May 18, 1689 {d} 18.5. =Dominion of New England collapsed #1689 years ago* ;Note=1689, Governor in Chief Edmund Andros arrested {d} 07.10. =Province of New Hampshire organized as a crown colony #1691 years ago* ;Note=1691, charter enacted May 14, 1692 {d} 14.5. =charter Province of New Hampshire enacted #1692 years ago* ;Note=1692, William and Mary, org. Oct. 7, 1691 {d} 01.7. =Exeter, 1st meeting 1st Provincial Congress #1774 years ago* ;Note=1774 {d} 05.1. =New Hampshire declared its independence #1776 years ago* ;Note=1776, from Great Brittain {d} 15.6. =Congress of New Hampshire approves independence United Colonies #1776 years ago* ;Note=1776 {d} 10.9. =New Hampshire, resolution of statehood #1776 years ago* ;Note=1776 {d} 12.9. =1st State Seal of New Hampshire off. prescribed #1776 years ago* ;Note=1776 {d} 04.3. =New Hampshire's General Assembly ratifies Articles of Confederation #1778 years ago* ;Note=1778, off. signature July 9, 1778 {d} 09.7. =Philadelphia PA, delegates New Hampshire signed Articles of Confederation #1778 years ago* ;Note=1778, ratification March 4, 1778 {d} 21.6. =New Hampshire off. ratifies US Constitution #1788 years ago (9th state) ;Note=1788, Vote 57-47 {d} 09.7. =Republic of Indian Stream declared independence #1832 years ago* ;Note=1832, 1835 annexed by New Hampshire {d} 01.7. =New Hampshire ratifies 13th Amendment #1865 years ago (abolishing slavery)* ;Note=1865, 23th state {d} 10.3. =New Hampshire's 1st motor vehicle registration law effective #1905 years ago* ;Note=1905 {d} 28.6. =Franconia, 1st aerial tramway dedicated #1938 years ago (1st North America)* ;Note=1938, Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway, replaced May 24, 1980 {d} ;The entries for New Hampshire were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_of_the_United_States ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Hampshire ;State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols - ISBN 0-313-31534-5, page 173